martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Tariff Code


It is a male item of clothing in the Mexican culture; it is essential for peasant and even more for people known as “Charros”, because its shape and clothing has several uses.
The textiles used for process this item are wool and cotton.

It measures about 2 meters long and 1.40 m wide. and carries at its ends some fringes as ornament.
Generally the SARAPE is manufactured in bright colors and patterns or designs easy to recognize.
Need to satisfy
The need that is going to be satisfied will be a social need, because its characteristics, el Sarape will generate attraction to the consumer and will comply the main object, represent the Mexican culture.

Target Market: Oriental Republic of Uruguay.
Capital: Montevideo.
Population: 3, 316.328 inhabitants.
Currency: Uruguayan peso.


El SARAPE DE SALTILLO S.A DE C.V, is a distributor located in the city of Puebla, an enterprise that aims to export this item of the traditional dress in the Mexican culture to the Uruguay’s market because there are similarity between their cultures and their trends of thought, also this item is significant into folklore.


SARAPE DE SALTILLO, as name used, is born as a representation of the place where is are producing these goods, we buy them in this State and adapt them in the city of Puebla; Since in Mexico, historically has been considered SALTILLO is the birthplace of the creation, adaptation and commercialization of this element which is part of the culture of the Mexican, remember that the first Mexican handcrafts shops, settled from the beginning of the 20th century in Victoria Street, in the city of Saltillo, where is quintessential attire Mexican folk was unveiled by its root sits evolution, its erase, and above all the quality of their tissues that have transcended our borders.



Consumer characteristics of ponchos (similiar PRODUCT TARGET MARKET) in Uruguay, are determined primarily by two factors:

1. - Cultural features including typical forms of Clothing, Cultural representation by the gauchos of Uruguay to the Outside, besides the typical characteristics of Uruguay Country Man, good rider, typical humble farmer, who adopted a form of which, besides wear PONCHO / SARAPE, (large cloak type coat or blanket cut a slit in the center for the head) a machete (large knife) a whip (whip) and baggy trousers called field panties , held with a belt with a woven wool sash and wide leather belt adorned sometimes with coins (called handles), all these cultural traits were adopted by the culture of Uruguay generally of the customs of the Indians, while others cultural influences were imposed by the conquerors, as in the case of the Horse and the guitar.
2. - Feeling Nationalist ideology that bases its importance in the role played by the GUACHO within culture adoption by the country's population, and their representativeness is based on social movements somewhat fragmented the country's culture, projecting an image typical of the population in the international environment


The adaptations are based mainly on how this change, change could create or modify a need in the Uruguayan market?, So we mention that for the introduction of our Sarapes to this market use a Paradigm Shift in their culture, , we will use part of the Culture and Nationalism “Guacha” they already have established as part of their national identity in order to introduce our product, first we should mention that Uruguay is a pluricultural country, due to its geographical location, in addition to Population in Uruguay has no limits in terms of cultural expressions,  culture does not recognize political boundaries, which implies that the Uruguayans share certain cultural components with its neighbors, as in the case of Peru and Argentina, and given instance in Mexico, as in both countries, they have characters (Guacho / Charro) that are representative of the folk who own the country.

Analyzing this information, we believe that the paradigm shift is determined by the Culture, because these are conserving Guachos Nationalism that prevailed through their dress, ie the PONCHO, as part of Guacho typical dress in Uruguay, already established in the market, so consider using their cultural roots by introducing our product as part of their culture, but not leaving behind part of the Mexican, we introduce Sarapes without the hole in the middle, to thereby adapt to his style, but do not intend to leave behind, Mexican culture, we seek a similarity identification as its cultural aspects, the Uruguayan, purchase our product, like symbol identification Guacha culture, not as a possible escape from Mexico.

Distribution Channel 

The channel of distribution to be used will be through contact with broker, which made the distribution of our product to design interiors, costumes, costumes and handicrafts shops. Since this form this figure is very accepted in the majority of products and services, both for mass consumption as the industrial-type. A company or individual can be representative of a company, a division of products, brand, a whole line of products, or of some of them.


The container for the case of Uruguay are using (Polymer Bag) is a container has a single cycle of use, it is very difficult for him to return to use, this is because the Cellophane, as be mentioned is a material which by its nature is a very resistant container, and very effective as it is able to withstand moisture, however, as ben is easy to tear by human manipulation, so, after the blanket is removed from the container is very difficult that the package can be filled with some other product, likewise, this polymer is biodegradable because, due to their physical characteristics, the polymer will disintegrate by natural means without natural effects to the environment as an optimum time in previous paragraphs according to new research, there are even daring to mention that this would be in complete degradation in a cycle of about a month.

Label  and Packaging Restrictions 

In this link you will find information about all the products that need any specific standard for labeling or packaging to enter into the Uruguayan market.

You can find that the official name of our product is not include in this list, so this product don´t have arestriction to enter to the market.

Clothes Label

Marketing Strategies

For this product, there is indirect competitors that fall into the category of substitutes products, but they give to the consumer an idea of the comparative price, even the product of the competition is named "poncho" and have a littles differences with “Sarapes de Saltillo” on offer, is taken into consideration in planning the marketing strategy.
Of the two forms of marketing pricing, to introduce in a new market as the Uruguayan where competitors are indirect but also affect the use of the product, one chooses to pursue Pricing strategy. The pricing approach responds to two needs: set prices that deliver value to the customer and profitable sales pricing for the company, it is the goal of profitability through pricing supports only version I win-You win against to the I win-You Loose or I Losee-You win.
The pricing should be seen as a process that involves the coordination of sales and marketing decisions and financial decisions, ensuring the balance between value and cost of products.
Strategic fixation process in prices is through the following elements:

  • The techniques and internal tools (such as costing techniques, setting pricing structures and price pooling).
  • The perceived value to the consumer.
  • The competitive value strategies.

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013



El SIICEX es un portal que tiene como finalidad ofrecer a las organizaciones, empresas, importadores, exportadores, gobierno, estudiantes y ciudadanos en un solo punto de consulta, la información relacionada con el comercio exterior, lo que les permitirá reducir los costos de transacción, al facilitarles la búsqueda de información, así como brindarles certidumbre sobre sus obligaciones en actos de Comercio Exterior.

Su propósito es dar a conocer las reglas que establezcan disposiciones generales en el ámbito de competencia de la Secretaría, así como los criterios para el cumplimiento de leyes, acuerdos o tratados comerciales internacionales, decretos, reglamentos y otros ordenamientos, agrupándolos para su fácil aplicación por parte de los usuarios.

El sistema está integrado por cinco secciones: Siiceteca (Biblioteca Virtual); Tarifa; Boletín de Comercio Exterior Hoy; ¿Sabías que? y Lo del mes, que en conjunto buscan facilitar a los usuarios el acceso a la información vinculada con el tema de comercio exterior.
Comercio Exterior en cifras
Se trata del Sistema de Información Arancelaria Vía Internet, el cual contiene Estadísticas de Comercio actualizadas, con datos de comercio mensual desde 2007.

Es una biblioteca virtual que contiene información sobre los instrumentos jurídicos relacionados con el comercio exterior en diferentes versiones (texto original, modificaciones y texto integrado), y publicaciones vinculadas al tema, y los trámites y formatos que aplican para cada ordenamiento.

Esta biblioteca virtual está integrada por seis módulos: Leyes y Reglamentos; Tratados y Acuerdos Comerciales; Decretos; Cupos; Permisos y diversas regulaciones y Reglas de Comercio Exterior.
Módulos de la SIICETECA
1. Leyes y Reglamentos. En este módulo se pueden consultar las diferentes leyes y reglamentos que rigen al Comercio Exterior como la Ley de Comercio Exterior; la Ley Aduanera; la Ley de los Impuestos Generales de Importación y Exportación, etc.

2. Tratados y Acuerdos Comerciales. Este módulo expone los diversos Decretos de Tratados de Libre Comercio firmados por México que son: América del Norte (EE.UU./Canadá), Costa Rica, G2 (Colombia), Nicaragua, Chile, Unión Europea, Israel, Triángulo del Norte (El Salvador/Guatemala/Honduras), Asociación Europea (Noruega/Islandia/Liechtenstein/Suiza), Uruguay y Japón; así como los Decretos celebrados de Acuerdos de Complementación Económica firmados por México como el ACE 6 (Argentina), ACE 8 (Perú), ACE 51 (Cuba), ACE 53 (Brasil), ACE 54 y 55 (Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay), así también se muestran los Aranceles (Decretos de tasas aplicables), Resoluciones Aduaneras y se hace mención a los Acuerdos de Alcance Parcial que son: Ecuador, Paraguay y Panamá.

3. Decretos. El módulo está integrado por los distintos Decretos de los Programas de Fomento como IMMEX, PROSEC, ECEX, ALTEX Y DRAW BACK publicados en el Diario Oficial de la Federación, así también de los Aranceles de TIGIE, Tasas arancelarias aplicables a TLC’s y Frontera y además sobre la Competitividad de la Industria Automotriz, de Importación de Vehículos y Vehículos Frontera (empresas y residentes).

4. Cupos: Este módulo esta constituido por los Acuerdos de cupos derivados de tratados y acuerdos comerciales (TLC’s, ACE’s, ALADI, OMC) y unilaterales.

Se encuentra dividido en 3 partes: América: (América del Norte (EEUU/Canadá), Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Triángulo del Norte (El Salvador/Guatemala/Honduras), Uruguay, ALADI, ACE 53 (Brasil), ACE 55 (Mercosur), ACE 6 (Argentina) y saldos cupos); Europa y Asia: (Unión europea, Asociación Europea (Noruega/Islandia/Liechtenstein/Suiza), Israel y Japón y en Otros: (OMC, Unilaterales y Ley de Ingresos de la Federación (Décimo Transitorio)).

5. Permisos y Diversas Regulaciones: En este módulo se incluyen los Acuerdos de Regulaciones no arancelarias de la Secretaría de Economía como son: Disposiciones Diversas y Correlación TIGIE 2002-2007, Permisos, NOM’s, Cuotas Compensatorias, IMMEX (PITEX/Maquila), Automotriz, Contenido Nacional y Calidad Regulatoria y así de igual forma los de otras Dependencias: CICOPLAFEST, SAGARPA, SEDENA, SEMARNAT, SENER, SEP, SSA.

6. Reglas de Comercio Exterior. Este módulo incluye las modificaciones y anexos de las Reglas y Criterios de carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior, emitidas por la Secretaría de Economía y así también incluye las Reglas de carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior del SAT, emitidas por el Servicio de Administración Tributaria.
Esta sección es resultado del trabajo conjunto de la Secretaría de Economía y la Confederación de Asociaciones de Agentes Aduanales de la República Mexicana (CAAAREM), a fin de hacer más eficientes las actividades de los distintos actores involucrados en el comercio exterior.

Esta sección proporciona información sobre la Tarifa arancelaria actualizada de los Impuestos Generales de Importación y de Exportación, incluyendo aranceles TLC´s y PROSEC, de las Regulaciones no arancelarias y observaciones generales.
Boletín Comercio Exterior, hoy 
Es un boletín electrónico que representa un esfuerzo de la Secretaría de Economía para difundir de manera periódica, temas de interés y noticias relevantes en materia de comercio exterior como las Disposiciones Oficiales (modificaciones y publicaciones de Decretos, Acuerdos, Resoluciones, etc.).
¿Sabías que...?
Presenta temas de coyuntura, estadísticas, noticias breves y relevantes, tips sobre comercio exterior y preguntas frecuentes como la Facilitación Comercial, Transparencia en Programas e Instrumentos de Comercio Exterior.
Lo del mes
Contiene un conjunto de disposiciones oficiales en materia de comercio exterior, que sean publicadas en el DOF por las Dependencias y Entidades de la Administración Pública Federal, durante un mes calendario, tales como: acuerdos; resoluciones; manuales; anexos; decretos; aclaraciones; decisiones; reglas y avisos.
Responsable de la Información
La Dirección General de Comercio Exterior, es la responsable de la información publicada en SIICEX.
Fundamento Jurídico
Regla 4.1 del Título 4 del Acuerdo por el que la Secretaría de Economía emite Reglas y Criterios de Carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior, de fecha 6 de julio de 2007.